AD'DOC™ Capture Pro Cloud
Document identification and data extraction in the cloud.
Automate incoming documents via the intelligent processing and the power of artificial intelligence technologies with AD'DOC™ Capture Pro.
Technical Support - FAQ
This section highlights some of the Frequently Asked Questions regarding the AD'DOC™ Cloud offering, which comprises AD'DOC™ Capture Pro, AD'DOC™ Dashboard, and AD'DOC™ On-Demand.
Q: How to run AD'DOC™ Capture Pro?
A: Your main installation folder should contain a number of directories, whose name each begins with apui. The executable for AD'DOC™ Capture Pro can be found inside the apuisoft directory. For 32-bit installations, the path of the executable is then Winrel/Addoc32.exe. For 64-bit installations, the path of the executable is then Winrel x64/Addoc64.exe.
Q: When I open AD'DOC™ Capture Pro, I get a message that my license is about to expire. What should I do?
A: Please click on the button that says Request a new license from IMDS. This will open a window where you can select a directory. Choose any directory that is easy to locate. When you then click OK, a .dat file will be generated at the location you specified. Please email and attach the .dat file. Please make sure to provide the version number (shown on the left side of the screen). The support team will then reply with another .dat file. Download this file onto your machine. On the same window, click on Update your license and choose the new .dat file.
Q: How to add and configure a new user?
A: Please note first of all that only users who belong to the Administrator group have the capacity to add and/or configure users. To do so, click on Admin. in the top menu, then Security management. This will open a window with three tabs : Entities, Groups, and Users. Entities are high-level divisions, typically Administrators and Operators. Within Entities, Groups can be defined, to configure specific roles and user rights. For instance, the Digitization Group would only have access to digitization operations, whereas the Quality Control Group would only have access to QC/verification operations, but both of those Groups would belong to the Operators Entity. Finally, Users belong to a specific Group, and their specific settings (e.g. password) are configured in the Users tab.
Q: Where to find the User Manual?
A: The User Manual can be found in the main installation folder. Navigate to apuisoft/Documentation, then select the appropriate language, and you will find the User Manual, divided in several chapters.
Technical Support - Diagnostic
When encountering an issue, there are a number of steps you can follow to attempt to diagnose the problem before contacting IMDS Support.
I. Using the log file
We first suggest having a look at the logs. They can be accessed in two ways : through AD'DOC™ Capture Pro, or in the installation directory. Once you've opened the log file, you'll be able to see the warnings and/or errors that were generated by the system when the issue occurred. Some warnings and errors may include an error code that starts with 0x and is followed by three or four characters. If that is the case, you may use the Log file management chapter of the Documentation to better understand the issue.
Finding the log through AD'DOC™ Capture Pro :
On the top menu, click Admin., then View my log file. Note that this option is only available to users in the Administrator group.
Finding the log in the installation directory :
Navigate to the apuilhf directory. You will then find a subdirectory for each station that accesses this instance of the software. Navigate to the appropriate subdirectory, and inside you will find the apuidbg.log log. Note that log files are periodically archived. These archive logs will be present in that same directory, named and ordered by date of generation of the archive.
II. Using the history file
If the issue concerns a specific batch (e.g. unexpected results), you may verify the batch's history, i.e. a record of all the process step that the batch went through. To do so, open the Batch Administration window, select the relevant batch, then click on History.
Contact us
For login details or more information on the AD'DOC ™ Cloud offer, please choose your preferred contact method from the list below: